Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ideas on working towards getting a temple started in Erie are welcome

Please give constructive criticism and suggestions towards this noble cause. Everyone's ideas are important.

What do you think is the biggest hurdle towards having our own place of worship? 

Thought for the week

अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् ।
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥
Hitopadesha, Mitralabh, sloka 70

This is mine or that is his - thus is accounted by the petty-minded. But for ones with an exalted life, the whole world itself is a family! When one considers something as part of his family, he does everything in his power, to make sure that it is safe, protected and loved. But when one has a demarcation, a boundary, of 'this is mine - that is his', that unconditional love disappears! When a person identifies himself with anyone or anything, his approach towards that aspect becomes gentle and loving. He will be willing to forget and forgive any misgivings also along the way. Why? Because, he has a soft spot for it in his heart! He fights for it with all his might, justifying, it is not a crime to fight for what is mine! If he has embraced the whole world as his, naturally, he works towards the betterment of each and everyone in it! He identifies himself with it in a broader spectrum.

On the contrary, petty minded people mark their boundaries and live in their capsules, without stretching their visions. They are doing the same exact things alright. They love, protect and safeguard their own small little units of what they call family. Their lives, minds and visions remain petty and keep them from growing magnanimous in both attitude and approach.
People would live their lives exceedingly quietly if the words 'mine and thine' were taken away from the equation, isn't it!! No pomp, no show. Only genuine thoughts of the welfare of all! Why not try for more quieter, peaceful, satisfactory and happier lives for everyone around us!
