Thought for the week

Prosperity forsakes those who 
always dream of fate and favors
those who persevere.  One should 
therefore always be active and alert.

                      Matsya Purana 221.2



  1. If you want to share great thoughts like this one, please send them in as a comment. We will be glad to feature it.

    This sloka says it all about our tolerant heritage!

  2. "Realising "I am not" and "this is not" remain firm and unmoved, like the infinite space. Abandon the impure thought which creates a duality of self - world. In the middle between the self as the seer and the world as seen, you are the seeing (sight): always remain in this realisation. Between the experiencer and the experience you are the experiencing: knowing this remain in self knowledge."
    Vasistha's Yoga
