About Us

Erie has had a considerable Hindu population for a while (however they might want to identify- Hindus or Sanatana Dharmists ). Beginning 2008 Bhutanese Refugees started arriving in Erie, PA under refugee resettlement program. Most of whom are Hindus (some are Vaishnaviates, others Sanatana Dharma followers). As it is of public knowledge, we live Hinduism. We perform religious rituals in auspicious days of our calendar, observe holidays, and live our cultural traditions. 
After coming to America, we find that we have to know more about ourselves, what it means to be Hindus. To facilitate for the same, and to help younger Hindus learn to appreciate our rich tradition and spirituality, we have seen a need to start a TEMPLE, that would serve to act as both a Hindu Community Center and a place of worship. This would also help create respect for our rich traditions that have been misinterpreted in the West for long. Like any other Hindu community, there is some diversity in our community. Talks about having our own place of worship has been on, for sometime now. To make this possible, we have started Erie Temple Initiative.
By 2012, Hindu population in Erie, and its suburbs is roughly around 3,000 (estimate). Having a temple/cultural center would help us immensely. Your participation in this noble cause is highly anticipated.

1 comment:

  1. Idea looks awesome,it takes time and patience self motivation and community commitment.
