Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why is it worth to keep our identity while being Americans?

As a culture, we have gone through a lot of trials and tribulations. From ancient times our existence was threatened by invading rulers by taxing heavily for keeping our own selves.

We were denied our inherent right to culture, language, and faith. As such we are a people that escaped persecution to save these traits and our lives.

It is not that we think we should only continue to speak our own language. We strive to learn and improve our English language capabilities. But we are inherently a population that has always had multilingual abilities. Many of us have our own languages spoken within the families (family names) or regions where we hail from. This has made us able to succeed and thrive as capable bilinguals, tri-linguals, or multi-linguals. A cultural center could also help foster this inherent trait of ours.

Having knowledge of foreign language and practicing an ancient tradition like ours will make us better Americans. We strive to enjoy our freedom of religion as enshrined in the bill of rights without impediment from any group trying to destroy our strength as a community. 


  1. Thank you so much for sending me this link. Has land been procured for temple building?

  2. No not yet. We are trying to discuss about interest among Hindus (Sanatana Dharma followers) towards getting a place of worship for us here. It will take time, but we are trying to work towards that goal. Thanks for your interest.
